Oral flora: The key to health

    Discover the secrets of your oral flora: How can bacteria, viruses and fungi affect the health of your mouth? Find out how to take optimum care of them!

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    Dentinox duo for teething

    The perfect solution to help your baby through the teething phase. While Dentinox Gel N teething gel provides fast relief for acute pain, Dentinox Gel care works in the background to regenerate the oral microbiome.

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    Oral flora: the key to health

    Discover the secrets of your oral flora: find out how to take optimum care of it and thus support your general well-being.

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    About us

    We are by your side

    Dentinox - more than just medicines & cosmetic products. We have been supporting families since birth with proven health solutions for babies and children. Rely on our high-quality products and passionate support.

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    Problem solver

    Where we can help you

    Whether teething gel, toothpaste or zinc ointment - our wide range includes easy-to-use products that are manufactured to the highest quality standards and really help!

    • Illu mundgesundheit

      Gently soothe your baby's gums with our teething aids and toothpastes.

    • Illu haut

      Care for sensitive baby skin and support for your breastfeeding period.

    • Illu bauchgesundheit

      Gently support digestion and relieve stomach pain with our products.

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