Dentinox Gel N

Teething gel

Gel for application in the oral cavity in teething infants and toddlers

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Help during teething

Fast pain relief during first teething

Our gel has been specially developed with great love and care to meet the needs of your baby. The anti-inflammatory chamomile tincture and active ingredients that bring about pain relief at a dosage suitable for infants and toddlers offer fast and targeted alleviation of symptoms. The gel adheres well to the gum, enabling it work exactly where it is meant to – directly on the erupting tooth. This allows the sensitive, reddened gums to regenerate and helps your baby to find a way back into his or her usual rhythm. 

 Find out now how Dentinox Gel N teething gel can make the teething phase much easier for your baby. After all, nothing is more beautiful than your baby’s contented smile. 

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Special properties of Dentinox Gel N teething gel

  • Fast pain relief during first teething
  • With anti-inflammatory chamomile
  • Sugar-free and appropriate for babies
  • Contended babies, children and adults all around the world for more than 40 years
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Teething without the pain

Is your baby suffering from teething pain? It is a major step in the development of your baby when his or her first teeth start to erupt, but it is also a big challenge for both of you. This exciting – but sometimes also tiring – period starts between the 6th and 8th month. You may notice that your baby is more restless, whines more, isn’t sleeping as well or has less appetite. This is because the sensitive gums are irritated and painful. This is exactly where Dentinox Gel N teething gel can help.

But it is not just the first teeth that are a challenge, it can also be difficult when the molars erupt. Symptoms like diarrhoea during teething, a sore bottom, skin rash or reddened cheeks can occur. Babies also often suffer from earache during teething.

With Dentinox Gel N teething gel you can help provide targeted relief from teething pain.


Effective ingredients

The ingredients have been carefully selected to ensure that they are safe for your baby. The chamomile blossom tincture is well known for its anti-inflammatoryproperties, and while lidocaine in a dosage suitable for babies can provide fast pain relief, Lauromacrogol 400 has a more long-lasting effect. This combination makes Dentinox Gel N teething gel the perfect choice for your baby’s sensitive oral cavity.

Kamille 0012


Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and healing properties

Incis 0112

Lidocaine hydrochloride

Baby-friendly dosage: Short-term local pain relief

Incis 0212

Lauromacrogol 400

Baby-friendly dosage: Longer-lasting local pain relief

Further product information


Tincture made of chamomile blossoms 150.0 mg/g

Lidocaine hydrochloride 1 H2O 3.4 mg/g

Lauromacrogol 400 3.2 mg/g

Other ingredients: Sorbitol solution 70% (non-crystallising) (Ph.Eur.), Xylitol, Propylene Glycol, Carbomer 974 P, Sodium Hydroxide Solution (10%), Polysorbate 20, Sodium Edetate (Ph.Eur.), Saccharin Sodium, Purified Water


Always use this medicine exactly as directed in this package insert or precisely as agreed with your doctor or pharmacist. You should consult a doctor if stronger reddening and swelling of the gums occurs or if there are pronounced accompanying symptoms.

Recommended dosage:
To treat teething symptoms, apply a pea-sized amount of gel to the affect area of the gums and gently massage it in. The application should be repeated 2 to 3 times a day.

Prior to application:
Apply Dentinox Gel N teething gel with a clean finger or a clean cotton bud onto the affected area of the gums and massage it in lightly, particularly after mealtimes and before going to sleep. 


Mandatory text
Dentinox Gel N teething gel 
Areas of use:
Traditionally used as a mild medicine to briefly alleviate the complaints associated with teething for the first time. Warnings: Contains propylene glycol and sorbitol.
For information about risks and potential side effects please read the package insert and ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Date: 11/2023
Dentinox Gesellschaft für pharmazeutische Präparate Lenk & Schuppan KG, Nunsdorfer Ring 19, 12277 Berlin, Germany


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No matter where you are: for families, well-being is the top priority. Dentinox will accompany you from the birth of your child with tried and tested healthcare solutions for babies, children and parents. For carefree family moments – established in Berlin for over 70 years.

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Carefree throughout every growth phase


When do babies start teething?

Some babies will already show signs of teething from their third month onward, even though the first tooth does not typically erupt until around six months.

How long does teething last in babies?

Teething in babies and toddlers can last until their third birthday. However, the individual duration will vary from one child to another, and every wave of teething can be different.

How can I tell that my baby is getting his or her first teeth?

If your baby is dribbling more than usual, likes to chew on objects, cries more often or is unsettled, these are typical signs of teething.

How can I tell if my baby is in pain during teething?

Your baby may rub his or her ears more often or like to chew on his or her gums. There may also be a loss of appetite or difficulties with breastfeeding or feeding.

What can help babies cope with teething?

In addition to applying Dentinox Gel care, we also recommend giving your baby plenty of attention and gently massaging the gums. Offer your baby cooling teething rings or cooled soft-boiled foods, such as pieces of carrot or cucumber, as these will help soothe the gums. On top of this, make sure you keep everything clean and hygienic in order to avoid infections.

Why does my baby get a sore bottom during teething?

A sore bottom during teething can be caused by increased salivation and irritation of the skin in the nappy area by the baby’s stool. Clean the skin carefully and use a suitable protective ointment such as Dentinox zinc ointment for nappy rash to alleviate irritations. Consult a paediatrician if the soreness doesn’t improve or gets worse.

Why does my baby get diarrhoea during teething?

Diarrhoea during teething can be caused by increased salivation, which can loosen a baby’s stool. In addition, the increased salivation can also make the stool more acidic. These factors can cause temporary diarrhoea. A balanced diet and adequate fluid intake can help to alleviate the symptoms.

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